rabid beaver

Remember When a Rabid Beaver Attacked a Father and Daughter

A Pennsylvania father was kayaking with his daughter when a rabid beaver attacked. Somehow, he managed to get it on video.

When Dan Wherley and his 7-year-old daughter Layla of Butler Township decided to go kayaking on Adams County's Conewago Creek, they couldn't have known a rabid beaver was waiting for them. Even though they had taken their dog Ellie May along with them, it wouldn't be enough to waylay the large and angry rodent.

"I looked, and it was a beaver scratching at it, and I thought 'wow, that's pretty cool- a beaver came up to us!" Dan told FOX43 in an interview. "It wouldn't stop, so I used my paddle, tried to hit it to get it away, and it just wouldn't stop, wouldn't stop."

The beaver then turned and locked its sights right on Layla, causing an immediate reaction from her father. Thankfully, the water depth in that part of the creek was shallow enough for Dan to swing around, jump from his kayak and run straight to his daughter's side.

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"I jumped out of my kayak and ran to her," he said. "I got to her kayak the same time the beaver did, it climbed up on the back of her kayak, started to, and I had to punch it to get it off, cause I didn't have anything with me."

Here's a video with more:

The Pennsylvania Game Commission had since confirmed that the report of a rabid beaver was true. While some editing managed to bleep it out, you can hear Dan using some choice words in the video. What father wouldn't having had to watch a sick and belligerent animal go after his daughter?

Dan has since had to get a course of vaccinations due to his battle with the beaver, but thankfully, everyone was OK.

"I was just worrying about her getting bit," he said. "That would've been horrible. I couldn't imagine."

And as far as Ellie May? Dan said his dog watched all the action from the safety of the bushes.

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