Pregnant Bowhunter
YouTube: Team Radical

Pregnant Bowhunter Bags Big Missouri 8-Point With Perfect Shot

Everyone knows bowhunters are a passionate bunch, and most aren't going to let anything stand in the way of them and opening day. That includes being nearly eight months pregnant at the time opening day rolls around! That's just the situation Stormy Garver and her boyfriend, Sean McCrory, find themselves in with Missouri's opening day of bow season inbound. The couple, who are rapidly expecting their first child, have patterned a beautiful 8-point buck in a small corner of a cornfield, and they're certain the buck will likely make another appearance at bow range on opening day.

Upon settling in the stand, they don't need to wait long, as the deer soon start pouring out of the woods to feed. One of the last deer to show up is the big 8-point they've been watching on trail camera. Stormy makes a perfect shot on the buck, and the rest is history. As if the buck isn't impressive enough, wait until you see how easy their recovery is at the end of the video.

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While they didn't get the shot on camera, this is still an incredibly memorable hunt to capture on video. It'll be a great thing for the couple to share with their child once he gets a little older. I know people are starting their kids out in hunting earlier and earlier these days, but their kid will be the first one I know of who can claim their first successful hunt was while they were still in the womb!

To say this hunt worked out to perfection is a little bit of an understatement. As if the setup and shot weren't perfect enough, what were the odds the buck's death run drops him right next to the truck like that? We wish every deer recovery was that simple! It just adds to what is already an incredibly memorable hunt. Congrats to Stormy on her buck and to the couple on the newest addition to their family!

For more outdoor content from Travis Smola, be sure to follow him on Twitter and Instagram. For original videos, check out his Geocaching and Outdoors with Travis YouTube channels