turkeys protest

Pair of Turkeys Stage Strutting Protest at Sportsman's Warehouse

You know turkey season is just around the corner when...

Spring has sprung and that means at long last turkey season is upon us. For us hunters, that means stocking up on ammunition, decoys, and calls. So you can imagine the surprise when customers recently showed up at Sportsman's Warehouse to find a pair of turkey waiting at the door - staging a protest of sorts against the upcoming season.

Of course we're kidding about the protest - or are we - but it is pretty funny to see these turkeys strutting their stuff right outside a major outdoor store.

Here's the funny clip for your enjoyment:

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We're guessing someone on the inside has some pretty good calling skills. At least that's our guess. This does remind me of a story we ran last year, showing a lone turkey hanging out in a bus stop shelter, seemingly waiting for transit to roll on through.

So if you have a tough season this spring, head to your local Sportsman's Warehouse. Chances are, you might find a turkey or two waiting for you right on the front steps.