When most people think of otters, they think of an adorable, cuddly animal. In many states, there are even experiences where you can swim with or snuggle with otters. However, not all otters are the loveable and friendly type. One woman in Malaysia learned that the hard way when she was out for a jog the other day. The poor jogger is mauled by a gang of otters and left dazed, bleeding, and crying.
Jogger Mauled By Otters In Freak Occurrence

Pexels: Tirachard Kumtanom
The NY Post shared the insane encounter with the gang of otters. They shared a post on Instagram with the following statement.
"A woman was left crying in a pool of her own blood after getting savaged by a gang of otters in Malaysia."
According to the news source, the woman was jogging through Tanjung Aru Recreation Park in Sabah when the attack happened. The jogger was mauled by eight otters. The woman suffered cuts and bites to her arms, legs, and head.
After the attack, the otters scampered off and the victim was transported to a local hospital. Meanwhile, a wildlife team was sent out to keep tabs on the otters that mauled the jogger. Their findings showed that the otters lived nearby and had entered the park in search for food in a nearby pond.
According to the Sabah Wildlife Department Director the otters have visited the park before with no incidents. He believes that their sudden change in behavior is a result of people feeding the otters. In an attempt to prevent future joggers from being mauled by otters , preventative measures are being put into place.
For example, the fence surrounding the park will be reinforced and the area will be monitored. The public has also been asked to avoid going near the fences and from interacting with wildlife.
Are Otter Attacks Common?
While a jogger being mauled by otters may not make headlines every day, it is not the first time that otters have attacked people. According to the Post, "In 2021 a Singapore resident was hospitalized after getting accosted by a gang of the ferocious water frolickers, which reportedly bit him 26 times in 10 seconds."
At the time he told the press, "I actually thought I was going to die - they were going to kill me."
While this event is no laughing matter, the internet saw its opportunity and took it. Tons of otter puns have filled the comment section of the Instagram post.
One user wrote, "She should have gotten "Otter" the way! ??."
Another added, "Someone call the ottoroties."
A third chimed in, "They were supposed to to target the otter guy."
Comments like this flooded in from across the globe, bringing humor to the otherwise dark and gruesome scene. However, all jokes aside, everyone in the area should be on the lookout for this group of otters and be careful when interacting with wildlife.