Oklahoma Game Wardens

Oklahoma Game Wardens Bust Three Poachers Spotlighting and Shooting Deer at Night

These Oklahoma poachers were caught red-handed.

Score one for law-abiding sportsmen and women in Oklahoma.

Back in 2018, the Oklahoma Game Wardens Facebook page announced that they caught three poachers red-handed while they were spotlighting whitetail deer in Jefferson County.

Warden Chris Stover identified a suspicious vehicle spotlighting deer on Friday, November 16 of that year at approximately 10:00 p.m. He radioed in for backup to fellow warden Blake Pearson who was surveying high above in an airplane.

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The wardens actually posted a short clip of video taken from the plane during the incident.

The plane confirmed what Stover had already suspected. There were poachers illegally spotlighting deer, and they quickly realized there was more than one poacher at work. Three other wardens arrived on the scene and with the help of the plane, they caught up with three poachers.

The poachers had rifles with them and had already bagged at least three bucks while riding around on ATVs and UTVs with hand-held spotlights. After talking with the suspects, the wardens found they had stashed some of their guns nearby when they realized the wardens were on to them.

One of the suspects then led a warden back to the stash of guns and ammo. The weapons were subsequently seized and the three poachers were then issued citations for illegal possession of wildlife, headlighting and hunting from a vehicle.

Fortunately, the meat from the three poached bucks will not go to waste. The wardens donated the meat from the deer to needy families.

Good job Oklahoma Game Wardens. Keep up the good work!