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Mysterious Sea Creatures Leave Australian Lad's Feet Covered in Blood

Its identity is unknown but some biting, ravenous sea creatures chewed up the feet of an Australian teenager to the point that he needed to be hospitalized.

Sam Kanizay, 16, was soaking his legs in the cool water of a Melbourne beach after football practice when he noticed that his feet were tingling. He didn't think much of it, as the water was cold, and he expected his legs to go a little numb. What he didn't expect was to be eaten alive by some mysterious sea creatures.

"I didn't feel anything untoward when I was in the water," he said. "It was cold, so I expected my legs to go numb."

Kanizay's feet were covered in small pin-sized wounds that were bleeding profusely.

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"I would have been in there for maybe 30 minutes and didn't notice anything until I looked down to put my thongs on," he said. "Blood covered both of my feet and I was leaving little pools of blood everywhere. I thought I had maybe stood on a rock, but the amount of blood quickly told me that wasn't it."

Melbourne's Dendy Street Beach is where the incident occurred. Thus far the source of the attack has doctors and the Kanizay family puzzled.

The teenager walked home and called to his family from outside, as he didn't want to get blood on the floor of the home.

"We tried washing the blood off," Sam's mother Jane reported, "but quickly realized we couldn't stem the bleeding so we took him to Sandringham Hospital."

Doctors treated the wounds with several stitches and were still trying to stem the flow of blood the next day.

Jarrod Kanizay, Sam's father, indicated that the bleeding had finally stopped the following night. He expects his son to make a full recovery, but he still wanted to know what caused the wounds. So, apparently, he went looking for the pests with a piece of meat tied to a rope, after which he was able to capture this footage of the "sea bugs" that were the likely culprits:

"I'll definitely go out swimming there again," Sam said. "Plenty of people go for a swim in there, so it's probably just a one-off thing."

One thing is for sure, you won't find Sam Kanizay skinny dipping at the Dendy Street Beach anytime soon.

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