Lions Ambush Warthog
Latest Sightings via Youtube

Two Lionesses Ambush Unsuspecting Warthog

Oh, to be an animal in the wild. One minute you think you're in the clear and the next you're getting ambushed. This poor warthog thought it was safe to trot along a clear road in Kruger National Park in South Africa, counting on spotting any predators ahead of time in case of a required quick escape. But for the two lionesses hiding in the tall grass that lined the path, this was an easy opportunity for their next meal.

Shannon Finnegan was on a safari in the national reserve when she saw the surprise attack. She and her group decided to drive down a quieter road since it was less popular, and they were the only ones on the road when they finally saw some wild animals. Suddenly, two lionesses hopped onto the road in front of them coming from seemingly nowhere. Excited for the rare experience of seeing lions up so closely, they slowly followed the two animals down the road. It looked like the pair was made up of a mature lioness and a younger female lion. But 90-100 meters ahead of the lionesses, an adult warthog minding its own business started walking down the road. The lionesses quickly darted into the tall grass on the side, switching into hunting mode. As the warthog made its way closer to the car, the lionesses smoothly moved into position to strategically attack their prey. The younger lioness positioned herself behind the warthog while the older one remained hidden near the vehicle.

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Shannon told Latest Sightings, "It was incredible to see the lions hunting tactics... Once the warthog was in reach, the younger female hopped out behind it and frightened it forward right into the jaws of the mature female. We could not believe what we had just witnessed. The lions quickly dispatched the warthog and the air filled with the smell of its now exposed intestines. The two females made quick work of their fresh meal. This is truly an encounter I will never forget and feel so grateful to have witnessed."

This warthog stood no chance, but it's not everyday you get to see some of nature's most dangerous moments in action.

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