offroad trackchair
Hewie Seymour/GoFundMe

Let's Help a Fellow Outdoorsman and Former Firefighter Get an Offroad Trackchair

Here's an outdoorsman who has done so much to help others. Now's the time to give back so he can enjoy the outdoors once again!

Hewie Seymour is the type of man we'd be proud to call our friend: an outdoorsman who has given his time over the years to take disabled veterans, first responders, and children fishing. A firefighter paramedic himself, Hewie was forced to retire due to PTSD. For the last ten years, he has been fighting a battle against muscular dystrophy. He now needs our help.

In order to enjoy the outdoors once again (which is a huge boost for overcoming PTSD) Hewie needs an offroad trackchair. As you can imagine, these machines don't come cheap. Friends and family have started a GoFundMe page in hopes of raising the necessary funds to purchase one. Here's Hewie's story:

offroad trackchairoffroad trackchair

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Let's see if we can make 2017 a little brighter for Hewie. If you are able to donate, go here.

We're rooting for you, Hewie! Thanks for all you've done to help others enjoy the great outdoors.