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Father Sets Up Daughter to Harvest Buck of a Lifetime

A father's love knows no bounds.

For hunting families, the success of one is the success of all. For the Lindsey family hunting is a family affair. The Lindsey's have been creating content for decades. Growing up in the South, hunting has always been a pillar in their lives, a way to combine their favorite things: family, friends, and nature. Currently, their hunting show, The Lindsey Way, is broadcast on the Outdoor Channel. The show centers around hunting, family, and their lifestyle on the Iowa homestead where they now live, where bucks roam the farm freely and grow big. One buck in particular, who they named Grandpaw, had grown old, large, and distinctive with a heavy drop tine on one side.

So, when hunting legend David Lindsey's daughter Jaclyn came home for a mid-hunting season visit, he set her up in one of the best locations where she was likely to have the chance at an encounter with Grandpaw.

The result is an incredible hunt where Jaclyn fights through buck fever to harvest the deer of a lifetime.

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The 18-minute long video begins with Jaclyn and her cameraman watching a field full of grazing deer during what appears to be the pre-rut. The bucks are sniffing the does and the does are trying to avoid the bucks. There are a few bucks present, but not the target buck they are there for. Eventually Grandpaw shows up and meanders his way across the field into range. Jaclyn is hit by buck fever, that characteristic rush of adrenaline that some hunters get. Among other symptoms, it can cause shakiness, so her cameraman reminds her to take a deep breathe and hold her rifle steady.

She holds it together and delivers a perfect shot, which topples Grandpaw less than fifty yards from where he stood. In true Lindsey family fashion, her next move is to Facetime her family members to share the good news about her successful hunt. After that, the Lindseys involved the next generation by bringing Jaclyn's children out to track the buck's blood trail. What a great memory for the entire family! This is truly what hunting is all about.

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