Donald Trump Jr. loves the great outdoors.
He enjoys talking with hunters, outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen about his outdoor passions, too.
Fin Feather Fur Outfitters in Ashland Ohio was a stop on his campaign trail for his father, and the crowd was very enthusiastic about hearing him speak. President Donald Trump has made it very well known that he is a proud supporter of the Constitution and the Second Amendment, and his son Donald Trump Jr., a passionate outdoorsman, is a major reason for that.

Nestor Photography
Donald Trump Jr. has run into anti-hunters and anti-gun ranters who just do not understand hunting or the Second Amendment. Every time, he stands firm in his convictions that both are indeed necessary in a truly free society. He is also a devoted husband and family man with five children who certainly keep him on his toes.
My wife and I had a chance to listen to him during his stop at this sporting goods store. He thanked all of us for our support and gave us all an insight into why he loves the great outdoors so much. He then waded into the audience, signing hats and signs for excited fans. He felt right at home hanging out with fellow outdoors enthusiasts.
Hats off to you, Donald Trump Jr.! We are certainly happy to call you one of the family within the ranks of hunters, shooters and outdoorsmen across the nation. Well done, sir, and keep up the great work.