Hunter Reportedly Mistakes $15,000 Horse for Deer, Shoots it Dead

Did this horse actually look like a deer, or was this hunter just drunk?

It is hard to imagine a hunter actually mistaking a horse for a deer long enough to shoot and kill it. However, that is exactly what the Beaver County Times reports happened a few years ago.

The unbelievable story goes a little something like this.

Jordan G. Cinderich, 23, was out hunting near Modrak Lane in New Sewickley Township on Dec. 10, 2016, when he thought he spotted the deer of a lifetime! However, unfortunately for Jordan, the deer turned out to be someone's horse. (I promise, I am not making this up).

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After spotting what I am sure Jordan thought to be a trophy deer, he proceeded to shoot and kill the animal. Sadly, shortly after that, Jordan admits that the reality of the situation started to kick in.

He reported to the police that he realized he'd shot a horse and not a deer once he saw the wounded animal gallop away.

By the time the local police could arrive on the scene, the horse was already dead.

Believe it or not, the unlucky animal was shot by Jordan only 150 yards from a stable and a barn! I am not sure how Jordan will be able to explain this situation away once he gets in court.

Anyway, the horse was said to be valued at $16,000 dollars. That price tag will be accompanying Jordan along with one felony count of mischief, injuring livestock, unlawful hunting, and violating rules and regulations while trespassing.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Featured image does not reflect the subject of this article.

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