Gregg County Game Warden/Facebook

Huge Wild Hog Shot Down in Texan's Backyard

Take a look at this gigantic wild hog, shot in a small town backyard in Texas.

When this sort of thing comes across a game warden's Facebook page, you stop and pay attention.

Joe Clowers in Union Grove, Texas had what was described as a "food plot nightmare," and ended up killing a 416-pound wild hog that had been causing major problems on his property.

The hog was killed in the darkness late Saturday night (Oct. 14, 2017), with a 20-yard shot close to his Union Grove home, according to the Gregg County Game Wardens Facebook page.

In an interview with the Houston Chronicle, he said he shot the hog with an AR-15, and that the meat was unfortunately not salvageable. The hog will, however, be mounted European style. 

The estimated 4 million wild hogs in Texas, by far the highest of any state, are known by property owners to be a nuisance, and it sounded like this hog in particular took a liking to the food plot Clowers had planted, presumably for deer, turkey, or other, more coveted wild game.

"My property lays between some populated areas and I try to maintain an environment like a sanctuary or nursery for the deer to raise fawns," Clowers said. "He was the big daddy. I called him the bush beast."

Hunting, in the traditional sense, hasn't proven to be that effective of a tool for the higher scaled eradication that many feel is necessary. All the same, when one or a few wild pigs are causing some trouble, it isn't above a Texan land owner to take matters into his own hands.

That's proven by Clowers, and here's hoping the food plots stay undisturbed from now on.