Building an Ultimate Winter Weather Survival Kit

Winter weather can lead to dangerous road conditions.

This is why it's important to prepare for emergency situations, especially if you live in an area prone to winter weather regularly.

This informative video shows you how to set up a winter vehicle survival kit that way you are ready for when the unexpected happens.

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Dress for the elements on the off chance you have to face them. Wear insulated pants and a coat, plus carry a hat, gloves and dress in layers. That way if you become stranded you have enough clothing that can help you stay warm.

You'll also need an extra pair of wool socks and a pair of waterproof boots, just in case.


Staying in a vehicle doesn't mean you can't become cold. With this in mind, pack an emergency space blanket which can insulate your body heat.

It's also ideal to pack trash bags you can use to keep from getting wet when laying on the ground.

Fire kit

Building a fire is essential to surviving the cold weather. To do this properly, pack a butane lighter, a cigarette lighter, fire steel and tender, such as Vaseline cotton balls.

The key is to pack several different kinds of lighting devices; that way if one doesn't work, you have alternatives on hand.


Having water is another essential tool to survival. Pack some water bottles, and if you do decide to transport newly-bought water jugs, open them and dump out some of the water. If they freeze, they won't break the container.


Packing smart survival food that won't spoil easily like granola bars, nuts, or other snacks will keep you nourished when stranded.


Knives are good to have for their general utility. Along with knives, having a flashlight provides visibility at night or when inspecting your surroundings. Meanwhile, a flare gun or glow sticks can help authorities find you.

A glass breaker-seat belt cutter combo can be found pretty easily these days.

Along with these items to pack, there are two important things to remember:

Keep Family Informed of Your Travel Plans

When you are taking a longer trip, it's important to share with loved ones where you are going and the route you take. By providing this information, it can help first responders find you quicker if an accident happens and you're unable to contact loved ones.

Don't Go Far From the Vehicle

Drifting away from your vehicle can expose you to elements more and it makes it more difficult for authorities to find you.