Field Dress

Field Dressing Job Goes Disgustingly Wrong for Unlucky Elk Hunter

This video is not for those with a weak stomach.

Any skilled hunter knows how to properly field dress an animal, but sometimes we get a little too excited and can become prone to rookie mistakes.

This video demonstrates exactly what you DON'T want to do when field dressing your kill (which in this case looks to be a nicely sized bull elk).

CAUTION: The video contains strong language.

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From the video description:

This guy wasn't being careful while he field dressed this bull elk. Always guide the blade with your fingers so as to push the gut bag away, and to verify that your knife point isn't close to the bag.

An epic explosion on this bull. Pretty funny stuff. If you've ever had to smell a popped gut bag, you'll appreciate this video even more.

Always guide the blade! And that my friends, is a lesson this guy is about to learn for the rest of his life.

Don't know about you, but we'd be throwing that set of camo out with the gut bag. It's a great reminder that the gaminess that people often associate with wild game isn't due to the animal, it's all about the shot you take and how you field dress it.

We were lucky enough to actually hear from the man in the video (poor guy), and he shared the following information to help folks better understand what's actually going on. We'll let Daren take it from here...

This elk gutting video is of me about 5 years ago. The funny thing is no one ever asks anything about how that could have happened. I had killed over 20 elk with my bow up to that point and have gutted and packed everyone of them.

About 3 days before I killed this bull I cut my left hand bad and had stitches so that is why I have gloves on. The cut was right between my left index and middle finger and so I couldn't use them to gut like normal. I didn't even know if I could shoot [my] bow until I drew it back, thank god for adrenaline.

We had winched the bull up a hill for an hour probably and decided to gut it on the slope before we got it on the logging road. All the stomach fluids must have built up down at the bottom of the stomach from dragging it uphill for so long and when I touched it they exploded.

My cousin happened to be videoing it unknown to me until it was over. He said he just felt like something was going to happen, lol. Thank god they didn't get any pics of me walking out of the woods in my underwear and boots cause the camo was so nasty smelling. Now you know the rest of the story.

And a great story it is.

Note: This post was originally published in December, 2016.