Facebook/Oklahoma Game Wardens

How Oklahoma Game Wardens Utilized X-Rays to Catch a Deer Poacher

How game wardens used X-rays in their detective work.

The Oklahoma Game Wardens have been especially busy this year busting poachers. And, their latest Facebook post shows they're willing to use a wide variety of tools to solve a case!

This story began when Muskogee County Warden Lark Wilson and Wagoner County Warden Ben Haff got a tip from that a buck may have been taken using a rifle during archery season.

The wardens managed to find the suspected poacher in his yard where he was still processing the deer. During the course of the investigation, the wardens ended up having the carcass of the buck X-rayed. They then discovered that the cause of death was actually a rifle, as there were still bullet fragments in the deer.

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"Charges are pending and the defendant could face fines, court costs, and state-mandated restitution of approximately $2,500 and the possible loss of his rifle," the post read. "As always all persons are innocent until proven guilty in the court process."

As strange as it may sound to utilize X-ray to help solve a case, the post says wardens have actually been utilizing it as a crime-fighting tool for years now.

Who would have thought an X-ray would be such a vital detective tool for wildlife officers? After seeing this latest story, our advice to any Oklahoma poachers would be to give up now. As they've shown again and again this season, the wardens will find you and discover your crimes, no matter how hard you try to cover them up!

