marketing product gimmicks

Have Product Marketing Gimmicks Hurt the Deer Hunting World?

What's really useful for hunting, and what's a gimmick?

I'm sure I will step on some toes in this article, and that's fine. I want to shed light on advertising and marketing product gimmicks that take money from hunters all over the globe.

I'm not going to name any products in this piece because, at the same time, I believe every person is inclined to reach for the American dream. However, it doesn't always mean every product out there is efficient.

A problem with gimmicks is when the hunting industry places an advertisement on television, online or in print, backed up by a well-known spokesperson, giving the illusion that it must work. Why wouldn't we listen to someone who shoots 150' and 160' class deer?

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On the flip side, I'm not saying that the celebrity hunters representing any given product don't know anything about deer hunting. I'm simply saying that they may represent a product that doesn't work as well as the average, blue-collar hunter may think it would.

Bottom line is, I do not think there is enough accountability in the hunting industry.

Hear me say this: I don't want to take anything away from those who have worked hard to get where they are today. Most of them have earned every dollar being good at what they do. Any outfitter, wildlife consultant, professional hunter or feed producer needs to make a living.

However, sometimes that includes pushing a product that really doesn't work that well. And sometimes they don't work at all.

Like what you see here? You can read more awesome hunting articles by Nathan Unger at the Bulldawg Outdoors blog. Follow him on Twitter @Bulldawgoutdoor, Instagram @Bulldawgoutdoors and subscribe on YouTube @Bulldawgoutdoors.