Giant Spiders Will Soon Parachute Into New York City
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Giant Invasive Spiders Will Soon Parachute Into New York And New Jersey But You Shouldn't Worry

No it's not a sign of the apocalypse, but New York will soon be under siege from giant spiders. They will be parachuting down from the skies very much like an invasion force.

Of course, these spiders can float. They also grow to the size of human hand, meaning they're quite large. Joro spiders have been invading different parts of the U.S. for years. Now, they've set their sights on New York and New Jersey.

Native to East Asia, the spiders have been as far north as Maryland. Speaking with New York Post, Clemson University Professor David Coyle believes the Joro spiders will enter New York and New Jersey this summer. Coyle wanted to clear up some misconceptions. Coyle said it's actually a baby hand, not an adult-sized hand.

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Spiders Head To New York

"Realistically speaking, the body can get to be an inch, maybe an inch and a quarter. Three inches across tops, so the size of a baby's hand, maybe," he said. For the most part, Coyle said there's nothing to worry about. He said that Joro spiders aren't aggressive and don't pose a threat to humans. However, they will bite if cornered, so it's best to approach with caution.

While the arachnids are airborne, it's typically only for a limited portion of their life span. That means there won't be spiders raining down every day. "That only happens right after the eggs hatch - that has already happened for the year, there's no more parachuting happening," he explained.

You see the young spiders et out strands of web, which are picked up by the wind. While most of them don't survive the initial trip, it allows the species to travel far and wide. At this age, the spiders are much smaller as well. The thing that residents should be aware of is the webs. Their webs can stretch several feet across, making for potential hazards for those walking. These arachnids typically eat insects like mosquitos.

"They like more open areas, where things fly into their web," Coyle said.  "We've observed that where there's high numbers of Joros, there is a reduced number of native spiders. They're having an impact, we're not exactly sure what that impact is."