first ice

First Ice Walleye Fishing Nets an Absolute Beast

This angler gets super excited for first ice walleyes. It's easy to see why, when he pulls an absolute giant marble-eye through the hole.

Clayton Schick sets up over a couple of holes in the season's first ice in Canada, and his very first walleye is a real beast. He can hardly get the whole fish in the camera viewfinder. It's a beautiful, silvery 29 incher that almost breaks the 10-pound mark at 9.45 pounds.

Schick caught it on a dead-stick with a minnow while he was actively fishing his other hole. Needless to say, he is one excited fisherman.

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Schick caught more than a dozen walleyes and at least one monster burbot. While none of the other walleyes measured up that first chunker he caught, he did get a couple that measured in the 25 to 27 inch range.

It was a heck of a day fishing, a great way to kick off the walleye ice fishing season.

The thing I like about Schick's videos - besides his obvious enthusiasm and love for fishing (he admits that he thinks about fishing practically 24/7) - is that he presents some genuine tips and how-to information that should help you in your own fishing.

The tidbit I pulled from this video is how he set up his flashers. He drilled a couple of holes just outside of his tent and dropped the transducers into those holes. But he kept his graph and his flasher on the inside of the tent.

That is a pretty smart set-up. It keeps things simple and out of the way, and keeps you from having to pull the transducer out of the hole your fishing every time you hook a fish.

Like what you see here? You can read more great articles by David Smith at his facebook page, Stumpjack Outdoors.

NEXT: There Are Monster Walleyes in Lake Erie, Including This 14-Pounder