Thomas Vierick via Flickr

Everything You Need to Know About the Brahma Chicken

The Brahma chicken is quiet and easy to tame, known for its impressive size and appearance.

The Brahma originated in America. The breed was created by crossing large chickens that had been imported from China. Over twelve different names were used to describe this new breed of chicken, but eventually, the "Brahma" name was decided upon, clearing up much confusion.

In 1852, Brahmas were exported to England. In England, a Dark Brahma variety was created and was later shipped back to the United States. The Dark Brahma weighs about one pound less than the Light Brahma variation.

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Because of the breed's large size, Brahmas were initially used as a meat breed. Thanks to their docile personalities and wintertime hardiness, the large birds are easy to keep, making them a popular breed among hobbyists and breeders, alike. As egg layers, Brahma hens lay a significant amount of brown eggs.

Their egg production is between October and May and they produce 3-4 eggs a week! The egg size is typically medium to large.

According to The Happy Chicken Coop blog, "The Brahma has a pea comb and a 'beetle brow' where the forehead slightly overhangs the eyes. The beak is short and strong." And they have feathers on their feet which require some attention.

They are known for having three distinct feather patterns. The buff Brahma is a contrast in buff and black. There is also a light and dark feather pattern. The dark Brahma should have silver hackles and the lighter Brahma is white with a grayish undertone but mainly black and white.

They're known to be very friendly and easy to handle. These backyard chickens are growing in popularity as they're such good egg layers.

The Brahma chicken breed is considered a heritage breed and The Livestock Conservancy categorizes them as "recovering" as they become more popular with chicken keepers.

Hover over the image for more information. 

Image via Alisha Vargas via Flickr


Brahmas are officially recognized by the American Poultry Association

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