AA-12 Shotgun Available to Public
Ammo Land

Esteemed Military AA-12 Shotgun Now Available to Civilians

A new semi-auto version of the AA-12 is available for public purchase, but you better get in line.

The infamous AA-12 shotgun is not only a sight to behold, but also a beloved firearm among military and law enforcement personnel. However, until now, you couldn't get your hands on one unless you worked in one those two fields. That all changed recently when Sol Invictus Arms and Tactical Superiority Inc. announced the debut of a civilian version.

There have been more than 100 iterations of the AA-12 since its original design by Max Atchisson was sold to Boje Cornils in 1987. The latest chapter of the popular 12-gauge shotgun will include updates for both the full-auto military and law enforcement versions, as well as a new semi-automatic version available to the civilian market. Well, that is if you're lucky enough to be one of the first 1,000 to reserve one during the pre-sale offers.

Those pre-sale offers for the semi-automatic shotgun will first be available on Armslist.com. A short while later, a Boje Signature model will be available for pre-sale on Gunbroker.com. Both runs are limited to 1,000 firearms. Those lucky enough to make the short list can expect delivery near the end of 2018.

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