hand grenades

Bizarre News of the Week: Old Man's Refrigerated Hand Grenades Cause Nursing Home Evacuation

This week, a New York nursing home was evacuated over grenades in the fridge.

Just when we think we've heard it all, news comes of a New York nursing home being temporarily evacuated due to a couple hand grenades in a 91-year-old man's fridge.

The Clarkston Police Department posted photos and a press release of the incident which happened at Tappan Zee Manor Nursing Home in Central Nyack New York last Friday. The two grenades are shown sitting on the shelf like a couple of eggs waiting to be baked into a cake.

Erring on the side of caution, Police swept the vehicles of the home's residents and other parts of the building before determining there were no other grenades. The man who lives in the room where the grenades were found was out for medical treatment at the time.

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While there was quite a bit of concern, it all fortunately turned out to be one big false alarm.

Authorities quickly figured out one of the grenades was a training grenade, but the second one had to be X-rayed by the Rockland county Sheriff's Bomb Squad unit before it was determined that it too, was harmless.

Police believe the grenades to be World War II era, which would make sense giving the age of the gentlemen who had them.

Sounds like this old guy kept a couple war souvenirs, but no one knew about them. No word on if they were later returned to him, but residents were moved back into the building without incident. One thing is for certain, that's a day no one at the Tappan Zee Nursing Home will soon forget!