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Baby Goat Stands for First Time, Adorable Tail Wags Ensue

Few things are cuter than baby goat tail wags!

This floppy-eared baby goat was all a-wiggle with excitement as she stood on her own four feet for the first time. Maybe it's because she was the runt amongst her siblings, but she seems to be extra proud of this milestone in her early life, and made it known by wagging her tail and gently nibbling her owner's nose.

You can almost see the pride and excitement in her eyes, but you can definitely see it in that tail that just won't stop wagging.

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Does nurse their young for about eight to nine weeks, but sometimes, weak newborns are unable to stand and nurse naturally. This little guy certainly enjoyed standing for the first time, and hopefully, that strong will translated into lots of exercise ball adventures throughout life.

(P.S. We won't tell her that her owner is still helping her stand if you don't.)

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This article was originally published July 1, 2016.

READ MORE: 10 Fainting Goat Videos That Have Us in Stitches