3-Gun Showdown w: Demo Ranch and Jerry Miculek

3-Gun Showdown With Demo Ranch and Jerry Miculek

Can you guess who won this Texas showdown?

The Texas 3-Gun Championship tests participants' shooting accuracy and speed with rifles, pistols and shotguns. There's no better way to determine who the best shooter is in the Lone Star State. Though Keanu Reeves elected not to participate this year, legendary shooter Jerry Miculek and Matt Carriker from Demolition Ranch both decided to compete.

Both of these shooters have a lot of experience under their belts, so a competition that includes both of them has to be good, right?

Watch the video below to see how they each did.

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As Matt discovered, shooting random things in the woods is cool, but it doesn't really prepare you for competing in an event like this. There's no shame in losing to such high-level competition, though, and everybody makes disqualifying mistakes like he did every now and then.

Jerry's known for his incredible speed shooting, so it looks like he performed about as expected with a second-place finish.

That being said, though, I have one question to ask. Who the heck was the guy who beat him?!?!

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