Nebraska Archery Elk

That Time a World-Class Elk Was Shot in a Nebraska Corn Field

A corn field offered one lucky elk hunter an unbelievable story. 

When hunting in the Midwest, it's not uncommon to find yourself along the edge of a corn or bean field. This is common placement for a treestand or ground blind for many hunters. Whitetail and mule deer, turkeys and other small game often use field edges as travel corridors for the cover and safety they provide.

However, we don't often think of elk hunting near field edges.

Believe it or not, that outside-the-box thinking was exactly what paid off for one lucky Nebraska elk hunter.


Scott Christensen, Branch President of the Big Game Conservation Association, has been hunting in his home state his entire life. It wasn't until 2015 that Christensen was able to draw one of the coveted archery bull elk tags.

A bull elk tag in Nebraska is a once-in-a-lifetime draw. Upon receipt of the tag, recipients are no longer eligible to ever draw the tag again. It took Christensen 12 years to draw the tag.

Christensen used that opportunity to connect on an unbelievable Nebraska bull that grossed just under 360 inches. As if that weren't enough, it wasn't in the mountains that Christensen took the beautiful bull. Rather, it was in the middle of fields of standing corn and wheat.


The western edge of Nebraska borders Colorado and the Rocky Mountains. It's no surprise then that the area can be called home by various elk herds. What's unique about the area, though, is that mixed in with the random bluffs and peaks are vast plains areas planted with crops.

These flat areas are covered in pivot irrigation systems and home to corn, soybeans, and winter wheat fields—not exactly the place you'd think to look for giant bull elk.

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